Peer-reviewed Papers/Book Chapters

Coping with the crises in the periphery: The social and political costs of dollarization in Georgia (2024), SI: Economic Crises. Economic Sociology. Pespectives and Conversations. ISSN 1871-3351. Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies (MPIfG), Cologne, Vol. 25, Iss. 3, pp. 30-36

Fortune or Homelessness? Dollar Loans and Evictions in Georgia after the Pandemic (Forthcoming, 2024), In: A. Wilkis (Ed.), “Dolarizaciones. La caja negra de las crisis y del futuro en el sur global”.

Revisiting the History of the Georgian Central Bank: a safeguard of Georgia’s short independence in 1918-1921 (Forthcoming, 2025), In: A. Yalcintas, A. Heise (Eds). “Decolonial Narratives in Economics: Alternative and Underrepreseted Voices”, Edward Elgar Publishing.

სახელმწიფო ბანკის პოლიტიკური ეკონომია [The political economy of the Georgian State Bank in the 20th century] (2024) in: L. Nakhutsrishvili (Ed.) საქართველოს დემოკრატიული რესპუბლიკა (1918-1921): ფორმისა და შინაარსის ძიებაში [The Democratic Republic of Georgia (1918-1921): in quest of form and meaning]. Ziari Press, Tbilisi.

Making of the Central Bank of Georgia in the 1990s: Conceptualizing Change and Historical Legacies (2023) in: Jahrbücher für Geschichte Osteuropas.

Dollarization Persistence in Georgia in the Prism of State Building (2023), Globalizations, Special Issue: Stuck in Transition? Post-Soviet Spaces between Regions, Ideologies and Uncertain Futures.

Taming Dollarization Hysteresis: evidence from post-socialist states (2023), Ch. Scherrer, J. Wullweber, A. Garcia (Eds), Handbook on Critical Political Economy and Public Policy, Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham.

Unravelling Dollarization Persistence: the case of Georgia (2023), Routledge, London.

Financialization of Monetary Policy in a Dollarized Economy: the case of Georgia (2022), Cambridge Journal of Economics,

Corona Pandemic as an Amplifier of Socio-Economic Crises in Georgia (2020), Caucasus Analytical Digest, 115 (May), 3-7.

სამთო-მოპოვებითი ინდუსტრიის სოციო-ეკოლოგიური კრიზისები სახელმწიფოს მშენებლობის და განვითარების ნარატივების ჭრილში (2020) [Socio-ecological crises of the extractive industry in the prism of state building and development narratives] in: T. Qeburia, K. Eristavi (Eds) [Extractivist Intersections: politics, ecology, and social justice], EMC, HBS South Caucasus, Tbilisi, 146-171.

I.L.A. Kollektiv (2019) At the expenses of others? How the imperial mode of living prevents a good life for all. Oekom. München.

In Preparation

Crypto Currencies and Development Mode in Flux: unfolding Bitcoin mining in Georgia (journal article).

Alternatives to the Shock Therapy? Understanding the genesis of economic development trajectory in independent Georgia (book chapter, invited contribution)

Eradze, Ia; Langbein, Julia & Keude, Oleksandra, EBRD’s lending practices in the Ukraine and Georgia, 2019-2021 (journal article).